Photography Labs
Duncan Hall – DH 402
For Photo Lab Hours – contact Kathleen McDonald
The Photography Program's technical facilities are among the best and largest in the West and include Six Epson printers (4880, 4900, 7880), a Canon large format printer, a large complement of digital support equipment, digital and film based cameras, and four instructional complexes with fifty enlargers, eight commercial lighting studio stations, and facilities for alternative photographic processes. We recognize the future of most photographic practice to be digital, yet we honor and respect the educational value and the potential for self-expression available in traditional darkroom facilities. To that end, we maintain traditional darkrooms and an alternative processes lab, while we continue to upgrade our digital equipment as the technology advances.
* Cameras and photography equipment are only available to be checked out to current photography students. Students in other majors cannot check out equipment unless they are enrolled in a photography class.