RSCA Advisory Committee (RAC)

The primary purpose of the CHHS Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee (RAC) is to serve as an advisory group providing input and feedback to both the director of the Center for Applied Research on Human Services (CARHS) and to the College Associate Dean (AD) for Research. CARHS is the faculty research support center for the College, providing services in the form of editing, statistical consulting, writing groups, workshops, and seminars.

The RAC committee works with the CARHS director to determine the current scholarly interests and needs of CHHS faculty, and select and support appropriate seminar and workshop topics to meet those needs. In addition, RAC committee members act as information conduits between their department colleagues and the College AD for Research on matters related to research and scholarship, providing input when requested and sharing college and university-level information from the AD for Research with colleagues. Committee members also serve as reviewers for the various student research awards offered annually by the university. The committee meets monthly, chaired by the College AD for Research and the CARHS Director.

RAC Committee 2023-2024

Moctezuma Garcia, Assistant Professor
Social Work
Areum Jensen, Associate Professor
Giselle Pignotti, Associate Professor
Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging
Anusha Yellamsetty, Assistant Professor
Laurie Drabble, Associate Dean for Faculty Success and Research
Dean's Office (non-voting)