Mental Health and Wellness Resources

Welcome to our Mental Health and Wellness resources page, created especially for undocumented and mixed-status individuals. Here, you’ll find supportive tools and information, whether you’re ready to start your mental health journey or simply exploring your options. These resources aim to meet individuals where they are, recognizing the unique experiences and resilience of our immigrant communities. Your well-being is essential, and we’re here to ensure you feel informed, supported, and empowered to take steps that are right for you.

Campus Resources

Off-Campus Resources

Note: Not all resources provided on this website are directly affiliated with 菠菜网lol正规平台, but each has been carefully selected as a trusted resource within our community.

  • ThrivingCampus (for students only):  An online directory that anyone can use to get connected to mental health providers in your geographic area. 
  • Immigrants Rising’s Mental Health Connector: Provides undocumented people with psychological support, allowing them to access their strengths and resiliency in order to focus on their personal goals and healing journey. This service is for undocumented youth in California between
  • Immigrants Rising Wellness Support Groups: “These 6-week Wellness Support Groups led by trained mental health providers or registered clinicians, are designed to help undocumented people feel less alone and more understood. Registration is required”. 
  • UndocuHealth by United We Dream: This initiative will walk you through and provide toolkits to facilitate and inform our community. Things like music-ivism, artivism, and breathing practices is what will transform these anxieties and insecurities into something positive!
  • Resilience & Community Care Toolkit from United We Dream is designed to support immigrant justice organizers and leaders.